Install fluent-bit using TMC Catalog and forward the logs to Azure Blob storage

Reading Time: 4 mins


Fluent Bit is a super fast, lightweight, and highly scalable logging and metrics processor and forwarder that allows you to collect data and logs from different sources, unify them, and send them to multiple destinations. Tanzu Kubernetes Grid includes signed binaries for Fluent Bit, that you can deploy on management clusters and on Tanzu Kubernetes clusters to provide a log-forwarding service. This post explains how to install the fluent-bit package onto a Tanzu Kubernetes (workload) cluster using TMC catalog and forward the logs to Azure blob storage.

Pre reqs

  •  Bootstrap machine with the following installed: Tanzu CLI, kubectl installed as mentioned here
  •  Tanzu Kubernetes Grid management cluster and workload cluster running on vSphere, Amazon EC2, or Azure, with the package repository installed. For this demo, I have deployed TKG on Azure.
  • Storage Account and a blob container: You can use an existing one if already exists. if not, below are the steps to create a storage account:

Navigate to Azure portal > Storage Accounts > Create

Project details:

  • Subscription:
    • Resource group: Create new or use existing one. In this case, I have used an existing resource group (images-rg)
    • Storage account name: provide a name, here I have given capvfluentd

  • Review + Create > Create
  • In Azure portal > Storage Accounts > click on newly created storage account (capvfluentd) > Create Container by clicking on + Container

  • Name it and Create. In this case, I named it as capv-logs

  • Once successfully created, you can find it under the containers list

Install the package

In TMC Console: Catalog > select the workload cluster (capv-workload in my case)  from drop down and click on fluent-bit

  • Click on Install Package which can be found on top right side of the page

  • Name the Installed package as : capv-workload-fluentd and click NEXT

  • Package install resources: Leave to Default and click NEXT
  • Configure values: Provide below values
config file
namespace: "tanzu-system-logging"
service: |
Flush 1
Log_Level info
Daemon off
Parsers_File parsers.conf
HTTP_Server On
HTTP_Port 2020
outputs: |
Name azure_blob
Match *
account_name <redacted> # To be collected from Azure portal
shared_key <redacted> # To be collected from Azure portal
container_name <redacted> # To be collected from Azure portal
path kubernetes
blob_type blockblob
auto_create_container on
tls on
inputs: |
Name tail
Tag kube.<namespace_name>.<pod_name>.<container_name>
Tag_Regex (?<pod_name>[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*)_(?<namespace_name>[^_]+)_(?<container_name>.+)-
Path /var/log/containers/*.log
Exclude_Path /var/log/containers/*_fluentbit2S3_*.log
filters: |
Name kubernetes
Match kube.*
Kube_URL https://kubernetes.default.svc:443
Kube_CA_File /var/run/secrets/
Kube_Token_File /var/run/secrets/
Kube_Tag_Prefix kube.
Merge_Log On
Merge_Log_Key log_processed
K8S-Logging.Parser On
K8S-Logging.Exclude On
Regex_Parser kubernetes-tag
Labels Off
Annotations Off
parsers: |
Name azure_blob
Format json
Time_Key requestReceivedTimestamp
Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ
Time_Keep On
Name kubernetes-tag
Format regex
Regex (?<namespace_name>.+)\.(?<pod_name>.+)\.(?<container_name>.+)
#! optional configuration for the daemonset
#! limits:
#! cpu: 100m
#! memory: 128Mi
#! requests:
#! cpu: 100m
#! memory: 128Mi
podAnnotations: {}
podLabels: {}
  • Install Package


In TMC Console: Clusters > capv-workload > Add-ons > Installed > check if the package ( ) is succeeded and healthy

# Get the admin credentials of the workload cluster into which you want to deploy Multus cni. In this case, capv-workload is workload cluster: 

$ tanzu cluster kubeconfig get capv-workload --admin

# Set the context of kubectl to the cluster

$ kubectl config use-context capv-workload-admin@capv-workload

# Verify the deployed pods

$ kubectl get pods -n tanzu-system-logging
fluent-bit-cnslw 1/1 Running 0 3m55s
fluent-bit-njzqd 1/1 Running 0 3m55s

# Check the pod logs in tanzu-system-logging namespace

$ kubectl logs fluent-bit-cnslw -n tanzu-system-logging

Note: If you see below errors in fluent bit logs, then follow the below steps. If not, then Navigate to Azure portal > Storage Accounts > click on container: capv-logs > kubernetes

[2022/03/18 11:20:12] [ warn] [engine] chunk '1-1647602406.107346978.flb' cannot be retried: task_id=6, input=tail.0 > output=azure_blob.0
[2022/03/18 11:20:14] [error] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] cannot create upstream connection for container check
[2022/03/18 11:20:14] [ warn] [engine] chunk '1-1647602407.824389152.flb' cannot be retried: task_id=1, input=tail.0 > output=azure_blob.0
[2022/03/18 11:20:15] [error] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] cannot create upstream connection for container check
[2022/03/18 11:20:15] [ warn] [engine] chunk '1-1647602405.828550376.flb' cannot be retried: task_id=4, input=tail.0 > output=azure_blob.0
[2022/03/18 11:20:15] [error] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] cannot create upstream connection for container check
Change the image in daemonset
# Edit the daemon set

kubectl edit daemonset fluent-bit -n tanzu-system-logging
  • Replace the image name with fluent/fluent-bit:latest
# Check the pods in namespace: tanzu-system-logging

kubectl get pods -n tanzu-system-logging
fluent-bit-c4nw2 1/1 Running 0 2s
fluent-bit-njzqd 1/1 Terminating 0 19m

# Once all the pods turn healthy, Check the fluent-bit pod logs and should show no errors/warning as earlier.

$ kubectl logs fluent-bit-c4nw2 -n tanzu-system-logging

[2022/03/18 11:35:09] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] content appended to blob successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:09] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] content appended to blob successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:09] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] blob id ZmxiLTE2NDc2MDMzMDkuMTk1Ny5pZA== committed successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:09] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] blob id ZmxiLTE2NDc2MDMzMDkuMjAxNS5pZA== committed successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:10] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] content appended to blob successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:10] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] blob id ZmxiLTE2NDc2MDMzMTAuMTgyNy5pZA== committed successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:18] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] content appended to blob successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:18] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] blob id ZmxiLTE2NDc2MDMzMTguNTc0NS5pZA== committed successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:20] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] content appended to blob successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:20] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] blob id ZmxiLTE2NDc2MDMzMjAuNTc0Ni5pZA== committed successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:24] [ info] [input:tail:tail.0] inotify_fs_remove(): inode=3613516 watch_fd=2
[2022/03/18 11:35:24] [ info] [input:tail:tail.0] inotify_fs_remove(): inode=3612839 watch_fd=15
[2022/03/18 11:35:24] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] content appended to blob successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:24] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] blob id ZmxiLTE2NDc2MDMzMjQuNTczOS5pZA== committed successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:25] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] content appended to blob successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:25] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] blob id ZmxiLTE2NDc2MDMzMjUuNTc0My5pZA== committed successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:31] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] content appended to blob successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:32] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] blob id ZmxiLTE2NDc2MDMzMzEuNTc1Ni5pZA== committed successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:36] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] content appended to blob successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:36] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] blob id ZmxiLTE2NDc2MDMzMzUuODc0OC5pZA== committed successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:36] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] content appended to blob successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:37] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] blob id ZmxiLTE2NDc2MDMzMzYuNTc1NC5pZA== committed successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:37] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] content appended to blob successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:37] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] blob id ZmxiLTE2NDc2MDMzMzYuNTc0NS5pZA== committed successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:38] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] content appended to blob successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:38] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] blob id ZmxiLTE2NDc2MDMzMzguNTgwMC5pZA== committed successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:43] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] content appended to blob successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:43] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] blob id ZmxiLTE2NDc2MDMzNDMuNTc4MS5pZA== committed successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:49] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] content appended to blob successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:49] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] content appended to blob successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:50] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] blob id ZmxiLTE2NDc2MDMzNDkuNTc4Mi5pZA== committed successfully
[2022/03/18 11:35:50] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] blob id ZmxiLTE2NDc2MDMzNDkuNTc3MC5pZA== committed successfully
  • Navigate to Azure portal > Storage Accounts > click on container: capv-logs > Kubernetes

This confirms that fluent bit is forwarding the logs to Azure blob storage successfully.