To install TAS using ops manager, you first need to upload the software bundle to ops manager VM.
ssh to jumpbox that is created earlier – ref to post :
Execute the command pivnet products in jumpbox to verify the access, otherwise login to pivnet cli as mentioned in post
Download TAS
Just like with the terraform download, use the pivnet CLI to download the TAS
Download Stemcell
Each product that includes deployment of virtual machines, requires a stem cell. Sometimes a product is compatible with: Multiple stem cells, Only an exact stem cell, Anything within a particular stem cell’s major release etc..
You can verify the stem cells on Tanzu Network for a specific version as shown in above screenshot or through Pivnet CLI:
Upload the files to Ops manager:
TAS files and stem cells can be uploaded directly into ops manager using Import a product:
Since we have downloaded them into jumpbox, lets do the upload the files into ops manager using OM CLI:
Install OM CLI:
Upload file to ops manager:
Use below commands to upload TAS file and stem cell to Ops Manager, upload might take sometime to process.
Upon successful upload, ops manager will show a new product for as shown below, click “+” to add as a tile but with orange colour which indicates configuration is pending.
Click on tile “Small Footprint VMware Tanzu Application Service” to configure:
Assign AZs and Networks
- Select one AZ for singleton jobs, select all AZs under Balance other jobs and select ‘pas’ network – SAVE
- click on add next to “Certificates and private keys for the Gorouter and HAProxy“
- set the Name to default, locate the files you generated earlier which ends with .cert and .key, copy its content into the ops Manager text field labelled Certificate PEM and Private Key PEM.
- Disable: HAProxy forwards requests to Router over TLS and Save
App Security Groups
- Type “X” and Save
- In SAML Service Provider Credentials section, copy the certificate and private key that is generated earlier that ends with .cert and .key – SAVE
- Add an “Internal encryption provider keys”, provide a name, secret key (make sure it is at least 20 characters long) and check Primary.
Internal MySQL
- Enter your email address and Save
- Select off for following errands and click Save
- Notifications Errand
- Notifications UI Errand
- App Autoscaler Errand
- App Autoscaler Smoke Test Errand
- NFS Broker Errand
Resource config
For external traffic to reach the jobs that are listening, you need to configure the load balancers that were created in GCP by Terraform to the instances.
Navigate to Installation Dashboard > Review pending changes > Apply
You can view the progress, will be notified on screen once completed successfully.