Hola, In this post I will be demonstrating how to use Tanzu Kubernetes Grid to deploy and manage Tanzu Kubernetes Workload clusters on a vSphere environment. TKG provides commands and options to perform life cycle management operations like Create, Delete, Scale up/down of kubernetes workload cluster.
Before you create Tanzu Kubernetes workload clusters, you must have TKG management cluster deployed, up and running in healthy state.
#To list all the clusters including management $ tanzu cluster list --include-management-cluster NAME NAMESPACE STATUS CONTROLPLANE WORKERS KUBERNETES ROLES PLAN tkg-cluster-1 default running 1/1 1/1 v1.21.2+vmware.1 <none> dev tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20211117113036 tkg-system running 1/1 1/1 v1.21.2+vmware.1 management dev
Login to vCenter > check for management and workload vm’s as shown below. Output from above (CONTROLPLANE and WORKERS) should be matching.
Create Cluster
Workload cluster can be created using a simple command “tanzu create cluster <desired cluster name> –plan dev” deploys min configuration ( 1 control and worker node ) which is ideal for dev environments. But, if you are looking to deploy with custom setup like having more control plane nodes or worker nodes, then change –plan dev to –plan prod or dry run using below command
Dry run command to review the config
# where tkg-captainv-demo is name of workload cluster, cluster-config.yaml is the config file created at the time of management cluster deployment.
I have provisioned workload cluster with 3 control and worker nodes
cluster created
$ tanzu cluster create tkg-captainv-demo --plan prod -f cluster-config.yaml --controlplane-machine-count 3 --worker-machine-count 3 Validating configuration... Warning: Pinniped configuration not found. Skipping pinniped configuration in workload cluster. Please refer to the documentation to check if you can configure pinniped on workload cluster manually Creating workload cluster 'tkg-captainv-demo'... Waiting for cluster to be initialized... Waiting for cluster nodes to be available... Waiting for addons installation... Waiting for packages to be up and running... Warning: Cluster is created successfully, but some packages are failing. Failure while waiting for packages to be installed: package reconciliation failed: kapp: Error: Timed out waiting after 30s
Workload cluster 'tkg-captainv-demo' created
#verify the cluster list $ tanzu cluster list --include-management-cluster NAME NAMESPACE STATUS CONTROLPLANE WORKERS KUBERNETES ROLES PLAN tkg-captainv-demo default running 3/3 3/3 v1.21.2+vmware.1 <none> prod tkg-cluster-1 default running 1/1 1/1 v1.21.2+vmware.1 <none> dev tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20211117113036 tkg-system running 1/1 1/1 v1.21.2+vmware.1 management dev
You can also view the progress of vm creation in vCenter task bar, new vm’s are deployed into your cluster.
# Get the credentials
$ tanzu cluster kubeconfig get tkg-captainv-demo --admin Credentials of cluster 'tkg-captainv-demo' have been saved You can now access the cluster by running 'kubectl config use-context tkg-captainv-demo-admin@tkg-captainv-demo'
#Set the context for newly created workload cluster: $ kubectl config use-context tkg-captainv-demo-admin@tkg-captainv-demo Switched to context "tkg-captainv-demo-admin@tkg-captainv-demo".
# List the available contexts and check * is pointing to new cluster. ubuntu@ubuntu-526:~$ kubectl config get-contexts CURRENT NAME CLUSTER AUTHINFO NAMESPACE * tkg-captainv-demo-admin@tkg-captainv-demo tkg-captainv-demo tkg-captainv-demo-admin tkg-cluster-1-admin@tkg-cluster-1 tkg-cluster-1 tkg-cluster-1-admin tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20211117113036-admin@tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20211117113036 tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20211117113036 tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20211117113036-admin
#List the available nodes in workload cluster $ kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION tkg-captainv-demo-control-plane-4td6h Ready control-plane,master 22m v1.21.2+vmware.1 tkg-captainv-demo-control-plane-smv9g Ready control-plane,master 20m v1.21.2+vmware.1 tkg-captainv-demo-control-plane-ttjd9 Ready control-plane,master 25m v1.21.2+vmware.1 tkg-captainv-demo-md-0-5f569447f9-6zjd6 Ready <none> 24m v1.21.2+vmware.1 tkg-captainv-demo-md-0-5f569447f9-ktqks Ready <none> 23m v1.21.2+vmware.1 tkg-captainv-demo-md-0-5f569447f9-qnpmb Ready <none> 24m v1.21.2+vmware.1
#Check all the pods running in new workload cluster: $ kubectl get pods -A
Deploy an application in Workload cluster
deploy and service
# Create new name space $ kubectl create ns bba-news namespace/bba-news created
#Create a new deployment with name bbanews-deploy $ kubectl create deploy bbanews-deploy -n bba-news --image eknath009/nginx-bbanews deployment.apps/bbanews-deploy created
# Get the deployment status in bba-news namespace $ kubectl get deploy -n bba-news NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE bbanews-deploy 1/1 1 1 2m31s
#Expose the deployment by creating a new service of type Load balancer $ kubectl expose deployment bbanews-deploy --type LoadBalancer --port 80 -n bba-news service/bbanews-deploy exposed
#Get the external IP from the created load balancer
ubuntu@ubuntu-526:~$ kubectl get svc -n bba-news NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE bbanews-deploy LoadBalancer 80:31636/TCP 8s
Access the IP from browser and webpage should load as below: