In this post, I will take you through the steps to deploy a jumpbox in gcp which is used for all admin related tasks. You can do this from your local machine, but it is good practice to do everything from a jumpbox, where you can avoid downloading and uploading all the files required for TAS installation from your workstation and use Google’s network instead.
Create a Project (optional ):
By Default, You will be mapped to My First project, you can continue to use the same or create a new project. If you wish to create new project, then follow below steps, otherwise just ignore.
- Click on drop down to list the projects
- Click on New Project
- Type a Name and leave Location to default and Create
- Once completed, select the newly created project.
Verify the available quota:
- In google cloud console, navigate to IAM & Admin > Quotas > Filter
- Ensure there are min 25, 30 quotas available for IP addresses and CPUs, as you will see lot of vm’s deployed during the process of installing TAS.
Create a VM Instance in GCP:
In GCP, VM Instance can be deployed in two ways:
- Compute Engine Management console
- Cloud Shell
Compute Engine Management console:
In Google cloud console, Navigate to Compute Engine > Virtual machines > VM instances > CREATE INSTANCE
Provide Name, Region, change Boot disk size to 100 GB, OS to ubuntu, version to “Ubuntu 20.04 LTS” – CREATE
How to take ssh to jumpbox vm from local workstation ? Though you can connect to jumpbox from cloud shell, I have given steps to take ssh to vm instance from local workstation using public ip and ssh keys.
Note: Below steps are for Mac/linux users
- Once vm instance is successfully created, click on vm name and in next page Edit
- Scroll to bottom, SSH keys section and Add Item > Paste the public key you have generated in previous step and SAVE
Cloud Shell:
- Login to your GCP account and activate cloud shell
- Verify that your gcloud CLI is pointing to the correct GCP project by running:
- Run the following command to create a new jumpbox VM in your project.
- You must now ssh to this new jumpbox using the zone you provided earlier. Notice you are logging in as the ubuntu user
- Use the below command to ssh into jumpbox
- Once you are in the jumpbox, run the following command
- You will observe that the account is a default service account which is automatically created.
- To perform all operations using our Google account as we have full owner permissions on Google account, execute the following command to authorise.
- Re-run the following command to validate the account has been altered:
- In your home directory, create an empty file named .env
- Ensure that this file is sourced into the shell, execute the below commands
- Execute the following commands to install unzip
Note: If you are not using the vm, ensure to stop the same to avoid unnecessary billing.