Reading Time: 2 mins
Deleting workload cluster takes off all namespaces and is non-reversible. Ensure to double check in case if you are doing it on production workloads. Depending on the cluster contents and cloud infrastructure, you may need to delete in-cluster volumes and services before you delete the cluster itself.
Delete Workload cluster
- Before proceeding with cluster deletion, ensure to check if there are any services created as Load balancers in AWS as ELB or NLB. If yes, then delete them from AWS console or kubectl delete svc
Delete management cluster
- In AWS console, navigate to EC2 page to see the status of vm’s
- Ensure to check if there are any subnet or EC2-backend service in cluster and related resources such as:
- VPC: Delete under VPC Dashboard > Virtual Private Cloud > Your VPCs.
- RDS: Delete under RDS Dashboard > Databases.
- Subnets: Delete under VPC Dashboard > Virtual Private Cloud > Subnets.
- Route Tables: Delete under VPC Dashboard > Virtual Private Cloud > Route Tables.
- Internet Gateways: Delete under VPC Dashboard > Virtual Private Cloud > Internet Gateways.
- Elastic IP Addresses: Delete under VPC Dashboard > Virtual Private Cloud > Elastic IPs.
- NAT Gateways: Delete under VPC Dashboard > Virtual Private Cloud > NAT Gateways.
- Network ACLs: Delete under VPC Dashboard > Security > Network ACLs.
- Security Groups: Delete under VPC Dashboard > Security > Security Groups.
Take a quick walk through in AWS console and see if everything is cleared to avoid unnecessary billing.