Tanzu Mission Control API Overview

Overview VMware Tanzu Mission Control is a centralised management platform for consistently operating and securing your Kubernetes infrastructure and modern applications across multiple teams and clouds. In this post, I will cover few API commands that can be used to manage TMC services. FYI, you can find complete list of API's

Register, Attach Kubernetes cluster in TMC using CLI

VMware Tanzu Mission Control is a centralised management platform for consistently operating and securing your Kubernetes infrastructure and modern applications across multiple teams and clouds. In this post, you will explore on attaching a kubernetes clusters (TKG deployed on Azure) into TMC using TMC CLI. Generate API token from TMC Console Follow

Install Harbor using TMC Catalog

In this post, let me take you through the steps to install contour package into TKG cluster from TMC Console. If you are looking for detailed steps to deploy TKG cluster on Azure, refer to post. I have already attached the workload cluster (capv-workload) into TMC using TMC CLI. Refer to post to know